Spiritual Practices

Join PATHWAYS on the first Thursday of every month for an exploration of different spiritual practices, and how these practices assist us in cultivating awareness and developing a stronger connection to God.

Past Offerings

Since 2015, PATHWAYS has been offering programs of spiritual nurture. A list of recent offerings can be found below.

Praying for the World
June 2024

Gathering with our community to unite our hearts in prayer for the world. A time of reverance and solidarity at the Keeling-Puri Peace Plaza.

Creation Walk
April 2024

A special event in celebration of our Earthly sanctuary held at Severson Dells Nature Center (Rockford, IL). Walking meditations, discussion and sharing led by Pastor Carol Soderholm.

Enneagram Workshop
Spring 2024

Through the lens of the Enneagram, personal growth is achievable for healthier relationships as well as our spiritual living. A special two part workshop.

Hymn Workshop
February 2024

An interactive workshop led by Pastor Jaci McNeil sharing information on some of the beloved hymns of the ages and the stories behind them.

Healing Through Ink

A relevant conversation on tattoo art and the ways that modern culture utilizes tattoos for healing effects. Led by licensed therapist and certified mental health evaluator Sarah Blackburn, our time included an exploration of historical biblical references for tattooing and how tattoos show up in today's modernized belief system. Additionally, Sarah shared personal examples of using tattoos to foster transformation in therapy sessions.

Praying with Icons

PATHWAYS went "on the road" to Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church in Rockford to learn about the origins and imagery of icons. Fr. Jonathan Bannon led our discussion and taught us about the use of icons since the early days of Christianity.

Fruits of the Vine
JUNE 2023

Held at The University Club (Rockford), presenter Steve Larsen shared insight on the ancient art of wine making, its origins, and how it has changed throughout the millennia. Particular attention was spent reviewing biblical history in regards to wine and strong drink.

Contemplating the Cosmos
JUNE 2023

Returning PATHWAYS presenter Marci Madary led our time as we pondered the vastness of space and God's magnificent creation, particularly through the review of selected Biblical passages that speak of celestial bodies and what these mean to our life today. 

Fractals of Grace
APRIL 2023

Featured artist Kari Lindholm-Johnson guided this workshop on fractals, with an emphasis on God's repeating work of love and grace in our lives. Our time of learning included:

-- the concept of art as a spiritual discipline
-- meditatation on God's gift of grace
-- creation of custom artwork using a personal symbol of love
-- nourishment of mind and body

Eating & Spirituality

A Zoom offering led by Pastor John Kiemele (M.Div./Ph.D) and Dr. Marissa Kiemele (MD) explored the dynamic relationship between these two integral aspects of everyday life.  Group discussions, guided practices with reflection, and Q&A with our facilitators served to engage the whole person (body, mind, soul), encourage release from self-judgement and limiting beliefs, and awaken the power of awareness.


Epiphany Taizé

A contemplative prayer service led by Deacon Marti Bein with candlelight, simple song, meditative prayer and silence.

THE HEARTBEAT OF PEACE (Drumming Workshop)
October 2022

Led by Deacon Jennifer Fox and certified yoga instructor Jeff Leaich, this free workshop offered a time of worship, interactive drumming instruction, and meditative practice. 

  • opening worship focused on the rhythm of the heart
  • participatory African drum circle
  • meditative chair yoga centered on breathing and inner peace
  • closing worship with readings, hymns, and drumming
Harvest Labyrinth Walk
September 2022

We marked the new season's arrival by giving thanks for the harvest and savoring the changing colors of the landscape.  A time of gratitude for God's abundance in our lives.

Following our prayer time, we enjoyed fellowship and refreshments of apple cider and donuts.

Art and Spirituality Workshop
July 2022

Using paint from elements of the earth and utilizing peace, centering, and listening through the creative process, participants learned about painting as a spiritual discipline, created their own paint and custom piece of art while nourishing their mind and body.

Facilitated by Kari Lindholm-Johnson, artist, ordained minister in the Evangelical Covenant Church, and spiritual director.

A Vigil of Pentecost
June 2022

The Word on Fire

A celebration of the Holy Spirit and rekindling of the fire in each of us.  A service of song, prayer and reflection.

Book Study: Reclaiming Purpose and Passion
May/June 2022

A multi-week book study, led by Pastor Twila Schock, of Dr. Dawna Markova's book, I Will Not Die an Unlived Life.

Poetic and inspiring, this book is a collection of insightful stories and questions that guide the search to find personal balance, reclaim passion and purpose in life, and focus attention and awareness on the present moment.

Keeping Faith in Difficult Times (testimony)
April 2022

Testimony, Discussion and Luncheon

PATHWAYS welcomed the Rev. Dr. April Ulring Larson, ELCA Bishop Emeritus of the La Crosse Area Synod, to speak about her faith in a loving God during difficult times. Bishop April lost her son, Ben, in the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

Included in our time together was discussion of the book, A Witness: The Haiti Earthquake, a Song, Death, and Resurrection, which her daughter-in-law, Renee Splichal Larson, wrote about love, grief, survival, and new life.

Strengthening Communication through the Enneagram
March 2022

With communication as a major component of a healthy relationship, time spent on understanding effective and compassionate communication is a worthwhile investment for both home and work. The enneagram helps us learn about ourselves and appreciate how we experience the world differently than others. This includes our communication styles.

Using the lens of the enneagram, presenter Marci Madary guided us as we took an honest look at how we communicate with those in our lives without judgment or blame. Strengthening Communication through the Enneagram will have long-lasting benefits for co-workers, family, friends, and most importantly, ourselves.

Marci Madary is a nationally certified Enneagram teacher through the Palmer/Daniels school in the narrative tradition. For more about Marci and her training, visit https://www.insideoutspirituality.com/about.

Joining Hands: A New Path Forward
February 2022

As we manage change while moving ahead, we are called to mature and less anxious relationships that handle differences, allow thoughtful listening, and help us to deal with difficult topics and decisions.  In our congregations as within all our lives, the way we treat one another is the significant factor in witness and service.  An event to help us strengthen relationships.

Led by Deacon MaryAnn Schwabe, ELCA Executive for Synod Relations and the ELCA Systems Academy Coordinator at the churchwide office in Chicago.